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Ringtones » Classical » Mobilis Saxophone Quartet - Andante et scherzo: Scherzo

Mobilis Saxophone Quartet - Andante et scherzo: Scherzo

Mobilis Saxophone Quartet - Andante et scherzo: Scherzo ringtone - download to call phone absolutely free. This is a new ringtone for your device (phone, tablet). Ringtone Mobilis Saxophone Quartet - Andante et scherzo: Scherzo has weight just about 400 kilobytes and relate to the genre Classical.

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Some about music (ringtones):

BALBATRE (Balbastre) Claude (22 I 1727, Dijon - 9 V 1799, Paris) - French. organist, composer. Since 1750, a student of J. F. Rameau. In 1755 he first gave org. a concert in the Conservative Spirit building. From 1756, organist of the Church of Saint-Roche, from 1760 - Notre Dame Cathedral. He was a virtuoso organist, an expert on organ-building. From 1768 he was constantly invited as a consultant in the restoration of old and the construction of new organs. In 1755-67 he composed 14 org. concerts (manuscripts not preserved), 2 fugues for organ (1748).

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