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Throwdown - I Will Stand

Throwdown - I Will Stand ringtone - download to call phone absolutely free. This is a new ringtone for your device (phone, tablet). Ringtone Throwdown - I Will Stand has weight just about 400 kilobytes and relate to the genre Heavy Metal.

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Some about music (ringtones):

Del James interviewed Axl Rose in his mirror-black apartment for RIP Magazine. By this point, Axl had grown a full red beard and mustache. He proudly showed off his new weapons collection, which included a police rifle, a 9mm pistol and an Israeli-made UZI assault rifle. He explained that he had disagreements with those from whom he was going to buy a house, and he wanted to arm himself with a machine gun. Axl and Del talked about an unfair lawsuit against Judas Priest. (Their young American fan committed suicide, and the family blamed Priest for their satanic lyrics.) All Los Angeles bands except Guns were on the road: Slayer and Motorhead were on tour; Danzig warmed up Metallica in Europe. Hollywood has become an assembly workshop for the music industry,releasing more and more shaggy bands - to the delight of metal fans around the world.

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